Went down to PRPP with doubts as heard the CR not so good...
Since Dec so decided tis is my last trip for Pond fishing for 2007.
Reached ard 1940.
End ard 2240.
Bait = Live prawn
Fishing method = Floater
Total catch = 3
Fish pui hook @ me = 1
Fish eat bait dun eat hook = 2
Overall rating = 5/10
No plastic bag provided reason ran out. Need me to buy @ shop selling bait.
Setting up half way come collect $$$
Fish released = Taiwan Ngor
Below is the catches.
Rod used. (My Lucky Rod ! Nearly Sold away !)
Reel used.
2nd Catch.
Total Catch.
When i left they caught only a med Sagai and a Taiwan Ngor.. the rest of the peeps no catch... CR pretty bad there..